Monday, April 23, 2012

Confused and Almost a Finish

What a busy weekend I had . . .

Lots of cleaning and organizing.  Somehow it's easier to be motivated when the sun is shining.

I talked with both of my kids via telephone.  It's always such a delight to hear what is happening in their lives.  My son turned 23 this weekend and he has sure turned into one handsome young man.

Now onto the confused  . . .  my Christmas Cactus!

26 degrees today and it's starting to bloom.  It does look beautiful though!

My niece and I worked on this quilt last November.  You can see my blog about Alyssa's Quilt here.  She was interested in putting together a quilt so she slept over one weekend and we worked on this together.  She learned how to sew, iron and design.  It's all put together except for the binding which I will work on this week so that I can deliver it to her this weekend.

 What a delight to take pictures outside!

Thanks for stopping by!
