Monday, May 6, 2013


 I had a very busy weekend that just past.

I spent time with a dear friend whom I haven't seen for a couple of years.  It's amazing to me that we can just pick up where we have left off.

I also went to a ladies conference that my mom invited me to at her church.  The speaker was a Professor that I had when I went to college.  Nice to see her again and also to meet some new people as well as renewing some old friendships.

In spite of my busy weekend, I started quilting the quilt top that I got done at the retreat.

I'm afraid that I defaulted to doing something easy (loops) so that I could get it done faster and send it off to the recipient.

 I should be able to get this accomplished this week.

On another note, I finished a book just the other day.  
It was called, Perfect Square by Vannetta Chapman.

It's an Amish Mystery story and was pretty good.  
Light and a good read for bed time.

Even though it is a fiction book, there are a couple of quotes that I would like to pass on.

". . . . Callie realized there was only one explanation for those things.  Their lives were stitched together by a divine quilter, and she could trust the pattern would be a good one."

" . . . you can't turn back and choose a different path.  Live the life you've been given."

Good words to live by!

And one more thing . . . I won a pants bag over at Glinda Quilts the other day . . . sooo exciting!

Enjoy your week!!
