
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy New Year

I cannot believe how the time has flown by since my last post! Since then Christmas has come and gone, my children have come and gone, my time off work for the holidays has come and gone and new years has come and gone!! Oh my!
I haven't posted for a while since I haven't had too much to share.
I did finally finish my son's quilt and he was very pleased with his gift on Christmas Day! 
Over the holidays I did have a chance to sew a bit and boy did that ever feel good!!

 Just need a border for this little gem.

 And two more borders for this one
It was so much fun to have my kids home for the holidays. First time in 4, yes 4 years we have all been together for Christmas and what fun we had! Playing games, watching movies and documentaries, listening to Graham's favourite music (classical, no less), eating out at fancy restaurants and enjoying a coffee or two at Phil and Sabastian's. 
 It was just what this old mama's heart needed!! I always have a tough time saying goodbye but deep down inside I wouldn't want them to remain at home forever. 

So have any of you New Year resolutions? I don't usually verbalize mine but generally have things rattling around in my head. This year I plan to declutter my home and get rid of 'stuff' that has been hanging around way too long. I moved into my place 2 and bit years ago and just moved lock, stock and barrel without purging. Tough time in my life and not able to deal with things. Enough, I say it's time to tame the clutter!!
My resolutions for my quilting would include finishing some projects, maybe getting my stash down a bit and cut back on only buying the essentials. 
Already I've blown it by signing up for the block of the month with Sew Sisters to build up my Batik Stash.

In my personal life I plan to 'laugh for no reason' and will be looking for 'joy' in everything. 

Here's to a fabulous 2015!!